Saturday, October 09, 2004


To think I didn't even have an e-mail address a year ago. I didn't even have a computer then, nor did I want one. Has a computer made a difference in my life? Oh yeah.

I am 49, I have lived and worked in London, Canada most of my live. I am divorced and have two kids, 19 and 16. My nineteen year old daughter lives with me and my son lives with his mother.

In the last year, three things have happened that had an incredible impact. I decided I needed a change and started planning one. Good friends returned after living and working in the Seoul area for three years, with lots to tell and lots of photos. I got a computer that brought Korea into our home.

That is where the Korea-bound Project was born and, hopefully, this will be a good place to keep track of it. I intend to be living and working in Korea within the year. Manna, Mike.