Saturday, October 09, 2004


So how does one prepare for something they know very little about? Research plays its part. I can see all those pictures on the net......... you know, the really good blogs that are peppered with all those sidewalk shot, man in the street photos. I think those are excellent tools for removing the illusions that I may have, and, those photos are really cool. Can I do enough preparation to get a feel for the place from here? No, I don't think that's possible. Once my feet, (size 13), hit the ground in Korea, I'm sure there will be a whole lot of feel going on. A lot of sights, sounds and smells for sure. Does that mean I have to get culture shock? Is homesickness inevitable? Who cares? If it's part and parcel, then, so be it, pay the price! Will it be worth it? I think it will be priceless. Even if I have to cry in a yeogwan 2 or 3 times a year. Besides, maybe I'll get drunk or get a girlfriend instead.

Motivation plays a big part. Money is 4 or 5 on the list of reasons of why I want to go to Korea. Fun and travel are way more important than money, here comes the catch.... look out, but of course we need money to do both.

The weather is still good here. It is going to rain....I can feel it...honest, most of the time I don't mind the rain. I lost a good pair of glasses outside the other day and even though I retraced my footsteps, I wasn't able to find them. I think if it rains they will get soaked. They are in a hardcase but they''ll still get wet. Not only that now I have to wear the other ones that are dorky as hell. Perhaps it is time for a change.

C'est la vie, n'est pas? Manna, Mike.