Saturday, September 03, 2005


해진 has tried a number of times to teach me how to say "Thank you for coming again.", in Korean. Saying it is not a problem, remembering it is the hard part. I find that unless I write it down, I won't learn it. I would guess that is the way it is for most of us when learning a second language.

We're down to 김치 only now, for Korean food, until Thursday when I get more groceries. 농심 라면 is a favourite of the three of us. 우리아둘하로따리같이산다.

Starting to read 'The Hound Of The Baskervilles' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It's interesting how speech has changed in the last hundred years or so. I do have to stop and think what the meaning of some sentences is. The english is different from what we use here and now.

Thank goodness some progress is being made in New Orleans. A natural catastrophe with terribly tragic consequences. A disaster of unparalleled proportions. I intend to do my part on payday to help. I say that because there has been a lot of unwarranted criticism directed at those who are helping. The critics and their factless opinions and factless conspiracy theories are not helping. People need help, not opinions.

The weather has been great, it's a beautiful world. Work is busy so I'm working alot.

I hope all are well. Peace!