Monday, May 16, 2005

The Classic Chili Dog.

The Classic Chili Dog.
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
If you can't get Korean food and you can't get Mexican BBQ'ued chicken, you're still going to do your belly good with this comfort food!

We get 'em at Duly's, where they are always busy. Duly's has been at the same location since 1921. They have old newspaper ads hanging on the wall from the days when they were a nickel each and then fifteen cents.

Now they serve them up for a $1.50 a piece and they're worth every penny.

Now that I've quit smoking, I have to be careful not make eating my new found hobby!

Actually I am eating alot of fruit and vegetables, but I'm having my fair share of these rascals too.

They don't sell these in Canada, but here at home I've got