Wednesday, August 31, 2005


하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 이곱,여덜, 아홉, 열.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

열하나, 열둘, 열셋, 열넷, 열다섯, 여여셋, 열일곱, 열여덟, 열아홉.
11 to 19.


오늘이수요일발월삼십일, 2005, 입니다.
오늘구름이많아요. But at least the rain has stopped, for now anyway.

Starting to get ready for back to school. The summer has flown by like it always does. I really need a longer summer. Visiting the snow at Christmas would suit me fine.

Breakfast will be eggs and toast and kimchi. Gotta feed the Korean in me. Really the only Korean in me is what I've attained by osmosis and study these last 18 months. I did pick up a couple of new phrases this morning at a store, but I didn't write it down so it's gone till next time.

Annyonghigyeseyo for now. Peace.


There is a certain feeling of quelled guilt. Sitting here at 2:20 in the morning enjoying the breeze and the sound of the rain. Knowing that the same system that is giving us the rain and the breeze, is also the same system that delivered such death, devastation and despair to the US Gulf coast. Spending the day trying not to listen to "New Orleans Is Sinking" by The Tragically Hip replaying in my head time and again. How vulnerable and fragile life is.....what a precious gift!

Work has been busy, but it is an improvement because I am once again working out of more living and working away from home for 5 to 10 days at a time.

This evening on the Food Channel there was a great episode by Bobby Flay called Korean Barbecue. Needless to say I was glued to the tube. He even made some kimchi, but without the fish sauce. Interesting Koreanana all the same. A Korean grill can be bought here for about a hundred bucks, pardon the pun, food for thought.

Hana, tul, set, net.....etc, etc. A little bit every day.

I've finished the Harry Potter series, so, like my son, I am anticipating what is supposed to be the final book. There are lots of books in the library, I won't be short of reading material.

Tomorrow is potato salad making day again. Love that stuff. Walking has taken the weight off and is keeping it off, gratefully. What a surprise to lose 20 pounds without trying.

Good Night, peace.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Beauty Budda

Beauty Budda
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
This was the first image I used to learn how to clear my mind, when I first started meditating. For more about Buddha read the post below.

월요일, 팔월, 이십구, 2005.



I am focusing on pure Korean numbers because I am less acquainted with them than Sino-Korean numbers. Elementary, which is just the way I like numbers and counting to be.

The Harry Potter series of books is great! I 've almost finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which is the last one, so far. J. K. Rowling describes the process that we use for concentrating and focusing when one of her characters is trying to teach the students how to cast non-verbal spells. It became a valuable excercise in concentration for me, although at the time it didn't seem so, because, after all, I was just reading a book. The series of books are very easy to read. The author is accomplished at translating her minds vision into text. For myself, the benefit has been that her descriptions have improved my concentration.

When I first starting meditating sometime last year, I would think of the picture of the Buddha that Teresa Seonsaengnim had e-mailed to us, (pictured above) . At first I would just see the image of the big, gold Buddha and nothing else that was part of the monument. Now when I meditate I see the other things associated with the Buddha, like the stairs, the two big lions and the incense burner. I just found out that the local Buddha Temple is only four blocks from where we live, so obviously, I'll have to check that out!

CNN, our hurricane headquarters, has been devoting a lot to covering Katrina. It really is amazing to see the kind of environments their correspondents go into. I suppose a hurricane is a meterological war, so it's all part of the job I guess. Which reminds me, here it is a hurricane, in Asia it's a typhoon and in the Indian Ocean it's a cyclone. I have a friend near Tuscaloosa, Alabama. When Dennis blew through there a few months ago, he spent 3 days with a chainsaw cleaning up fallen trees and debris. There is supposed to be a 51 mph wind in that area tonight, so he'll probably be keeping that chainsaw handy.

Today has been a mandu and kimchi morning with an angel hair pasta afternoon. I wish the Asiana was open, I've got a real hankering for tolsotbibimbap! Oh well it will be open again in October.

Hometownyeoido is posting again, so check it out if you want to hear what James is up to.

Time to go, I've got to finish this book!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

It's Written In Stone

It's Written In Stone
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
A classic stone structure. This building was a result of the generousity of the Cronyn family.

Since 1939 this facility has helped educate students of Astronomy and Physics at UWO. The public, as well as other schools and organisations, are also given access to this invaluable, educational facility.

UWO also has a larger telescope at Elginfield, Ont., just north of London.

Space Gazing Headquarters

Space Gazing Headquarters
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Here is the Cronyn Memorial Observatory at The University of Western Ontario. This facility was built with a $39,000 donation in 1939 from the Cronyn family.

Royal Astronomical Society Of Canada

Members of the above named organisation also set up their personal telescopes at the Saturday public viewings. This gives people the chance to look through a number of telescopes at a variety of subjects.

University Tower, UWO.

University Tower, UWO.
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
The University of Western Ontario, on our way to the Cronyn Memorial Observatory to look through the telescope at Jupiter and 4 of her moons.

This is approximately 8pm on an early August Saturday evening. During June, July and August on Saturday evenings, there are free open houses at the observatory. There is a 30 to 40 minute slide show to start with, then at dark there are the viewings.

It is an evening of good entertainment.

Friday, August 26, 2005

금뇨일, 팔월,이십육, 2005.


Friday, August 19, 2005

Time Flies

It has been a great couple of weeks! Busy....but really good. I have kept up reading your blogs, that are listed in the links, and then some that are favourites of mine that aren't linked to yet.

What I haven't kept up with are the updates here at this blog. I hope to be able to make an update or two this weekend. The study of Hanguel has become a daily habit finally, albeit in small amounts. Since the habit is now in place, I just have to increase the quantity. Finding the Teach Yourself Korean cd's yesterday was a good if I could just find the accompanying!

Buying our Korean groceries was a good start to the week. Love mandu and kimchi and bimbap! My son has started to acquire a taste for mandu, hot and spicy Nong Shim soups and some other foods, but not kimchi. That's ok, more for this kimchi eater!

Have a great weekend...ciao for now!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

August 9, 2005.

오늘이화요일, 파뤌, 9, 입니다.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls! The next 10 posts are going to be a story... a picture story! That's right kiddies, mom's and pop's everywhere! Here at Korea-bound we sometimes are somewhat committed, not to a mental institution, lucky for you and us, but to clean, wholesome, family entertainment, because people always want money for posing in the nude!

We like to lighten up, occasionally, and digress from the hard work and drudgery of finding Korean-Canadian things to do or say, in order to come up with somewhat un-boring postings about...well, Korea or Asia. Sometimes that's difficult to do here in London, Ontario....believe it or not.

Anyway my friend Jane and myself, really love Canada! We think that in spite of the idiots we have running this country, it's still a great place to live or be. I mean at least until they really screw it up! So we decided to show some of the un-Canadians in our reading audience, a little bit of Canadian culture... the summer barbecue!

That's right from deep in the Canadian wilderness, right here in London, Ontario, here is the barbecue, or picnic that Jane and I had last Friday evening. To the Canadians in the readership, consider this fair warning! You may get homesick! That is not our intent or fault. There are no photos of Canadian beer, cigarettes or pot...except the pot we boiled our water in, for the tea.

Apart from that ...Enjoy! Our story begins deep in the heart of Springbank Park!

The Start

The Start
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
This is the most important part of the picnic. This is like being up at bat and staring down the pitcher! Or on the green, about to make a 30 foot putt to the hole, with Tiger Woods playing behind me! I mean this is crucial! This is pressure! I mean I could get burned or something!

Well, enough drama, all I'm doing in this action shot is gettting ready to light the flame to the barby. Once I put the camera down.

Jane! We need some more wood! Hurry up will ya? I said wood, not twigs! Sheesh.

Me... Starting The Barbecue

Me... Starting The Barbecue
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
See...I really am here...I really do exist! I mean this blog doesn't just write it's self!

Anyway Jane's manning...oops sorry...womanning the camera and guess who she's taking a picture of? Me, that's who.

That's Better

That's Better
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
There, we got some fire happening! That's all the explaining I need to do about this photo. I'm sure you guys can figure it out...get the gist. You know!

The Best

The Best
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
This would be really cool...if it wasn't so hot. We're cranking up the heat to get some good, hot wood coals going so that we can throw the charcoal in.

Years off living in the Canadian wilds, here in London, Ontario, have taught us that it's easier to start charcoal with wood embers as opposed to chemical starters.

The food tastes better as well.


Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Hey! Nice smile Jane! Behind Jane is the barbecue.

I say enough in the rest of the Picnic Posts... so that's it for now.

Kiss In The Wind

Kiss In The Wind
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Here is our table...with Jane blowing a kiss at.... the camera? Hey what about little ole start fire remember?

Anyway it's gonna be steak, vegetables with sliced cucumber and potato salad. No dessert! We're roughing it here! After supper it's a cuppa tea and Trivial Pursuit with out the board.

The Ribeyes

The Ribeyes
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Here are the stars of the picnic! The Ribeyes! Jane brought the steaks and drinks. I brought the vegetables and Mike's Homemade Potato Salad. We both brought the accessories needed for a fun evening in the wilds of London, Ontario, eh?

Jane, Almost Ready To Eat

Jane, Almost Ready To Eat
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Me too! But I'm taking the photo. Joining us on our picnic is potato salad with carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli. As well as water and cola. All we have for condiments are sea - salt and lemon pepper. It's almost time to wonder Jane looks so happy!

Come And Get 'Em

Come And Get 'Em
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Jane retrieving the now medium-rare Ribeye Steaks. Me start fire - Jane cook steaks. And what a good job Jane did. The juice would ooze out of these rascals as you slice them. Brought out the happiness in carnivores like us.

Springbank Park, London, Ontario.

Here is the big picture. This is the view looking east from the You can see our picnic table with natures beauty as our backdrop. The weather was really good. A high of 26C/79F. To the left is a steep embankment, beside that a road, next to that, the Thames River with Springbank Dam. We can hear the water cascading over the dam. This is what we see and hear at this location.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Sidebar List Has Grown

The links in the sidebar have grown again! They are there for convenience....yours and mine. I read them on a daily basis, more or less. There are other daily reads that aren't listed in this area. Most of the blogs that aren't listed here have something to do with other Asian countries, Vietnam, China and Taiwan for example. Hopefully sooner than later, I will organise them so that one is not presented with a huge list of 40 or 50 blogs.

There are so many good blogs out there. They are 'good' for different reasons. The question is: how many to put into the links list? As many as I can read on a daily basis.

Most of the few recent additions appear towards the top of the list. They are all very good blogs!The 'Fred Shannon' blog appears closer to the bottom of the list. This is a very interesting website about how people learn languages. The writer explains a very complex subject, in an easy to read manner. For those of you who are interested in how we learn languages, I think you will find lots of information about how we humans do that. For teachers of a second language, this site is an invaluable source of information about language learning theory.

I discovered this site while reading one of my daily reads,'Hifromseoul' by Nathan Bauman. Thanks to both Nathan and Fred.

Happy blog exploring!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Today Is....

오느리수요일,팔월 3, 2005, 입니다.

Monday, August 01, 2005


월요일, 팔월 1, 2005, 입니다.

좋은하루되세요! 고맙습니다. 안녕히계세요.

Civic Day Breakfast

Civic Day Breakfast
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Mmmmmm! A little mandu, a little kimchi and a spot of soy sauce. Tasty stuff, I'm awake now!

Eating This

Eating This
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Delicious is the word. And easy to prepare! Bring the water to a boil, throw these babies in the steamer, and 5 minutes later they're ready.

A little kimchi, a little soy sauce... yummy in the tummy!

Still Reading This

Still Reading This
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
On a daily basis. This book is just the right size. It can be read anywhere... on the bus, walking down the street. Persistence and consistence will win the day....hopefully!

Started This One

Started This One
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
The second one. I was inspired by the kids to read these books. They read them more than once. They are really good stories!

Just Finished Reading This

Just Finished Reading This
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Really enjoyed this book. What an exciting story! The imagination and creativity is top notch!