Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In Between

Sunset Blur
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
If love is there
And I am here
And love leaves there to meet me here
And I leave here to meet love there

Then love and I
shall meet neither here nor there
but somewhere
In Between.

(copyright 1973, 2003,MGP.)

London Music Club

London Music Club
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
The music is great and as you can see so is the art.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Argentine Dogo

I discovered this breed while walking to work last Thursday. I had never seen this breed before so I asked the owner about his dog. He was out walking the dog and he told me that they are a fairly rare breed in this part of the country. As far as he knows his dog is only one of three in South-Western Ontario. Now I realise why I had never seen one before!

I had the time to find out more about the breed and to pat the dog and get these two photos of it. The one thing I noticed is that the dog is quite affectionate and friendly. Click on the breed name to get more info: Argentine Dogo.

This owner is married with two small children and researched the breed before bringing it into the home. He said it is a good family dog but that it does require regular vigourous exercise.

This dog was obedient. The owner told me that they can be a strong- willed pet and as such the time and effort has to be invested in training the pet. This dog responded correctly to the owners gentle directions. He said this dog loves being with the family, likes to be in their company whether inside or out.The breed is a short hair.

A bonus on the walk to work. I walk about 17 blocks which takes me about 35 to 40 minutes. Once the snow arrives I allow an hour due to the condition of the sidewalks.


Argentine Dogo

derail 048
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
This is an Argentine Dogo. Check previous post to link to a site with more info on this breed.

Web Designer

Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
He/she/it is still with us. I'll refer to it as 'him' because this is my blog and because I don't know how to tell whether it's a he or a she. Even if I did know how to tell, I ain't getting that close.

He does most of his web maintenance at night. Due to lack of originality I have named him Boris. He is quite industrious, his survival depends on it. Three times in the last week we have had heavy rain and each time the web has been reconstructed. Yesterday he was able to capture two unfortunate wasps.

The spider has been living somewhere in our front hedge for nearly two weeks. I have grown to enjoy observing him, as I can sit in my lawn chair with my coffee and and watch for as long as he is in. He does move out of the web fairly often and I am curious where he disappears to because I have not been able to see his comings and goings yet. He is either 'in' or 'out'.

I have grown to respect this creature. He has become an interesting subject for experimenting with the camera.

I know that soon he will be gone and all I will have are the memories and the photographs. Hopefully I will be able to discover what species or family he belongs to. For now I enjoy his company as I read and sip coffee on the front veranda.

Have a great day.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Recently I heard an interesting comment attributed to Robert Downie Jr.

"Quitting is not the difficult part, wanting to quit is the difficult part"

CNN reports that emergency supplies have already been placed in a number of states as Cat 1 Ophelia prepares to batter the eastern seaboard.

A Texas woman was executed for murdering her husband and children 18 years ago.

The spiderweb on our front hedge was destroyed by yesterdays afternoon torrential rains.

Due to Katrina, I have finally put thought into action and started making small monthly donations to an organisation that helps people rebuild their lives right here in the city where we live.

In spite of all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Spider Eats Wasp

Spider Eats Wasp
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
Sitting on the veranda, having my morning java and witnessing natures law of the jungle....about six feet away from where I sit.

Beautiful morning, reading....grateful for the day. Time at the store practising a little Hanguel while buying bread and orange juice.

Glad children are being reunited with their Moms and Dads after the storm.
Spending time with my kids. Enjoying the love, enjoying today.

Old Oak Tree

Old Oak Tree
Originally uploaded by korea-bound.
This Oak is now 375 years old. A very rare specimen! Located in Kent Bridge, Ontario just east of Chatham. Taken at 1 am Sat., Sept. 10, 2005. We are are on an eastbound, holding the main, waiting for a westbound to arrive and take the hole.

Left London Friday morning at 0745, arrived at the hotel at 1:30 pm, slept til 5:30 pm, then ordered at 10 pm on a London-bound eastbound. Off duty at 0245, booked 17 hours rest until 1945 this evening.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Pronunciation Rules.

1. When the letters k, t and p precede m or n or l, they are pronounced (and romanized) as ng, n and m respectively. If the letter they precede is an l, then the l also changes to an n sound.
If I had learnt this rule early, I would have never tried learning Korean through romanization. It took me a long time to realize that what is pronounced as im ni da, is actually written as 입니아.

2. l is pronounced as an n when immediately preceded by any consonant except l or n.

3. If a word ends in a consonant and it is not followed by a particle, or the verb ' ieyo' then the last consonant is not released.


스물, 스물하나, 슨믈둘, 스물셋, 스물넷, 스물다섯, 스물여섯, 느물일곱, 스물여덟, 스물아홉.
20 - 29.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


해진 has tried a number of times to teach me how to say "Thank you for coming again.", in Korean. Saying it is not a problem, remembering it is the hard part. I find that unless I write it down, I won't learn it. I would guess that is the way it is for most of us when learning a second language.

We're down to 김치 only now, for Korean food, until Thursday when I get more groceries. 농심 라면 is a favourite of the three of us. 우리아둘하로따리같이산다.

Starting to read 'The Hound Of The Baskervilles' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It's interesting how speech has changed in the last hundred years or so. I do have to stop and think what the meaning of some sentences is. The english is different from what we use here and now.

Thank goodness some progress is being made in New Orleans. A natural catastrophe with terribly tragic consequences. A disaster of unparalleled proportions. I intend to do my part on payday to help. I say that because there has been a lot of unwarranted criticism directed at those who are helping. The critics and their factless opinions and factless conspiracy theories are not helping. People need help, not opinions.

The weather has been great, it's a beautiful world. Work is busy so I'm working alot.

I hope all are well. Peace!

Friday, September 02, 2005


Go placidly amid the noise and haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms
with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly,
even the dull and ignorant have their story.

Keep interested in your career, however humble, it is a
real possession in the changing fortunes of time. But
do not compare yourself with others or you may become
vain or bitter; for there will always be greater
or lesser persons than yourself.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world
is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what
virtue there is, for many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the council of the years, gracefully
surrendering the things of youth. Do not distress
yourself with imaginings; many fears are born
of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees
and stars. You have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the
universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive
Him to be. And whatever your labours and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
be at peace with your soul.

And remember, that with all it's sham, drudgery & broken
dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be careful with life. Strive to be happy.


Good morning Blogland!

What a great sleep I had last night! Went to bed early and slept like 8-9 hours.
There is still kimchi and mandu, but we're out of hot n' spicy Nong Shim.

The weather is great here...hot days and cool nights. It's been a great week...again, it's freakin' unbelievable!

Why a great week?

Rachel got the job she wanted!
Jennifer wowed them all at the audition!
Jane is happy!
Jamie got a Dimage 70 digital cam!
Mom and Bill are wonderful as always!

Damn, I feel good! Y'all take care, ciao for now!