Wednesday, January 19, 2005

오늘눈 ㅘ요/Today It's Snowing

Today's title came out of the phrasebook and the dictionary. It has warmed up somewhat, and it has been snowing fairly heavy, since I woke up three hours ago. It looks very cool with the fresh blanket of snow.

New words:

나무- tree

Stop reading for a minute.......... the above introduction, 'Today's title blah, blah..blah' was saved as a draft copy earlier. When I got back to it later, I spent forty-five minutes; translating, correcting, more correcting..... typing it all in...I go to publish the post: and this message came up with a bunch of numbers, and then it said ' internal server error'.
And all of it except for the above bit was gone! And it is gone...and it ain't coming back, I don't think!

So anyway, I ended up at the local Korean language learning hotspot,

It crashed again, well, at least I lost less this time! I'm going to quit while I'm still behind!