London, Ontario really is a nice place. The population is around 350,000. It is a great place to live.
It's not difficult to trip over London's underbelly sometimes.
I can only assume that these needles are used by addicts. These needles show up in planters, gutters, in parking lots.
Until I moved downtown 3 years ago, I had never seen one in a public place.
The thing that bugs me is that these things are lying around. Not wide out in the open but, in places where they could be picked up.
Time to call the health unit and find out who ya call when you find them. They could be a hazard to kids.
Anyway, on a diffrent note, somewhere in Daejeon, a wonjonnim hasn't paid a bonus. I know, I know. For a whole bunch of people here in London, who are friends with the teacher who is staying to fight for the bonus, it is really frustrating to have to sit and wait for the arrival of someone we haven't seen for over a year. Doesn't this wonjonim realise what effect his attempts to break the contract are having on the rest of us here in Canada. Doesn't he care. Yea right,.... he's hoping that she'll leave without the money, and believe his claims that he'll send it to Canada in two weeks.
Oh well, I guess that's a fact of life in Korea.
But a year ago, she would have left without the money, I think. For me, at this point, I am just glad she stayed to fight. Whether she ever sees the money is beside the point. The important thing is that all the hoops of fire he made her jump through, have tempered her and steeled her. I want her to get the money, $2000 is a lot of money even in Canadian dollars.
I know it is not unusual for this to happen. It just sucks to see it happen right now.
So hang in there Ms. T. Try and get your money, but come home to us, we want to hear all about it, the good and the bad.
Regardless, I'm still going. I think it's still a great adventure!